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Design your ideal cocktail and we'll tell you which James Bond you are!

Design your ideal cocktail and we'll tell you which James Bond you are!

May 12, 2020

While it’s difficult to picture James Bond with anything but his famous martini - shaken not stirred, of course (contrary to most bartenders’ preferences, actually, Mr. Bond) - you can still access your inner 007 through any number of suave gin cocktails.

But the real question is - are you more of a rugged, surly-but-sensitive Daniel Craig type, an athletic, hirsute (but suave) Sean Connery, or an eyebrow-raisingly witty and debonair Roger Moore?

Now the’s time to find out - design your own ideal cocktail and we’ll tell you which Bond you really are!

First, we need to envision what kind of cocktail you are aiming for. A great way to do that is by deciding what kind of texture you enjoy in a cocktail. Pick one of these three options:

Creamy cocktails (1 point)

Creamy Cocktail

Think foam topped sours, gin infused milkshakes, gin versions of the white Russian (our orange Russian, for instance) and even espresso martinis. Rich and silky, these kind of cocktails are for the smooth operators out there.

Bubbly cocktails (2 points)

Bubbly Cocktail

Effervescent, elegant and oh-so-classy, this type of tipple can add a regal touch to any evening. Whether a spritz or champagne cocktail, if the tuxedo-clad charm offensive if is your modus operandi then this type of cocktail is for you,

Smooth cocktails (3 points)

Smooth Cocktail

These cocktails are for the ‘00’ agent who likes things clean cut and precise. Often rich and with very little mixer, these are best enjoyed by agents with deeply decadent tastes.

Now we need to decide on a flavour profile to aim for. Which of these three are for you?

Sour (1 point)

Sour Cocktail

Those field agents who like a little lip-smacking tang to their gin cocktails should take inspiration from old school classics like a gimlet or southside.

Sweet (2 points)

Sweet Cocktail

Do you need to woo your way into a villain-owned cocktail bar or seduce a foreign dignitary in order to get a secret password? Well then you may need to access your sweeter side. Cocktails like a Bramble may be your way in.

Bitter (3 points)

Bitter Cocktail

For the cool, calm and collected Bond who prefers to move in the shadows, there are those cocktails with darker, bitter tones like a negroni.

With those decided, it’s time to pick your preferred type of gin:

London Dry Gin (1 point)

For the classic bonds out there we have a classic gin. London dry’s a characteristically complex and rich gin, perfect for any secret service agent. Boatyard Double Gin is one of our favourites!

Flavoured Gin (2 points)

Flavoured Gin

The word ‘versatile’ should be in every agent’s dictionary, and that you certainly be the case if you prefer flavoured gins. These are reserved for those truly international men and women of mystery who love staking out bad guys in exotic locations. We love making our own!

Navy Strength Gin (3 points)

NB Gin Navy Strength

Potent in the right hands, Navy Strength Gin is for those harden veterans of the secret service who can handle the kick of string gin experience. We highly recommend NB Navy Strength Gin!

And then another type of drink to mix it with:

A syrup or liqueur (1 point)

Cocktail Syrup

A great way to add a rich laying of flavour to match your deep character profile.

Fruit juice or a soft drink like tonic water, ginger ale or lemonade (2 points)

Cocktail With Fruit Juice

These can really lift up your cocktail and add a brightness that you will probably after dealing with all the responsibilities of Her Majesty’s secret service!

A fizzy wine like prosecco or champagne (3 points)

Champagne Cocktail

For the agent who likes to indulge there are the luxurious delights of aged wines.

Another spirit (4 points)

Spirit Cocktail

Like having two ‘00’ agents on the job. Adding a second spirit to your gin can be potent yet oh-so-effective!

And what will you serve this incredible cocktail in? Pick one of these:

A hurricane glass (1 point)

Hurricane Cocktail

Tall and exotic, this piece of glassware is perfect for the agent who likes to work with a little flare - one does not simply walk down a snowy hill, one somersaults onto a pair of ski’s and shoots down the mountain to a jump that lands you on a snowmobile so you can zoom away to safety. Without spilling a drop of your cocktail, of course.

A champagne coupe or flute (2 points)

Champagne Glass Cocktail

That delicate long stem and elegant cup make this an ideal glass for an agent of subtlety and grace.

A collins Glass (3 point)

Collins Glass Cocktail

Tall and sturdy, this monolith of a glass is perfect for those stoic secret service men and women who would never break under interrogation.

A rocks glass (4 points)

Rocks Glass Cocktail

The stalwart agent who likes to quietly sip at something dark and strong as they brood over missions past, present and future, would do well to choose the rocks glass.

And finally, what do you garnish your cocktail with? Take your pic:

Fruit, berries and/or spices (1 point)

Cocktail Garnished With Fruit And Berries

A traditionalist, you garnish your cocktail in the same way you garish yourself - a rolex, a tailored suit and an Astin Martin DB5.

Rimmed glass, sweets and/or some kind of non-edible cocktail umbrella or pineapple leaf (2 points)

Tiki Cocktail With Pineapple Leaf Garnish

A lover of distraction techniques and elaborate disguises your an agent who doesn’t mind being centre of attention, especially if means that you can get the information you need as you draw their attention blinding close to your bight pink silk suit.

No garnish at all (3 points)

Cocktail Without A Garnish

Not in it for the thrills, you are the agent that gets the job done with as little fuss as possible.

Well, Bond, are you ready to find out which one you are?

If your cocktail scores 10 points or less then you are:
Sean Connery’s Bond

For many you are the quintessential image of Bond, suave and sophisticated - villain’s beware! Your cocktails are always made with style and ease.

If your cocktail scores between 11 and 15 points then you are:
Roger Moore’s Bond

A little eccentric yet always immaculate, you are the Bond that can charm what you need out of anyone. Your friends can always tell when you have been mixing the cocktails because they will be delivered with such a dashingly flamboyant and elegant flare.

If your cocktail scores 16 points or more then you are:
Daniel Craig’s Bond

A grittier Bond for the modern age, you are the Bond that gets the job done no matter what. You like a cocktail that you can quietly sip in peace, without any unnecessary thrills. For you, its simply about the spirits and all the delicious aromas and rich depth of flavour they embody.