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Quiz: Tell us about your lounging habits and we'll tell you your spirit cocktail!

Quiz: Tell us about your lounging habits and we'll tell you your spirit cocktail!

Apr 2, 2020

Guide us through your perfect evening of lounging around the house and, through our ginny mystic arts, we will match you to your spirit cocktail!

Firstly, to do sloth well, one must wear the appropriate attire. Which of these do you go for?

A onesie (1 point)

A big jumper and sweat pants (2 points)

A classic PJ and dressing gown combo (3 points)

dog in pyjamas

And of course we can’t forget the all important footwear. What’s it to be?

Thick socks (1 point)

Nothing at all (2 points)

Slippers (3 points)

dog with slippers

Now that you are dressed for the occasion, you must prepare the snacks, drinks and entertainment. You don’t want to be doing this once you have settled into your comfy spot (fail to prepare, prepare to fail and all that!). So unless you have someone there to wait on you hand and foot, you want get everything prepped and ready to munch, slurp and consume with the greatest of ease. Lets start with the food. Do you go for…

Picky bits in a bowl - crisps, pretzels, nuts and the like, (1 point)

a warming bowl of something like stew or soup, (2 points)

chocolate, (3 points)

or a savoury board of cheese, cured meats, breads and maybe a cornichon or two? (4 points)

Grazing Board

And to drink?

Something fizzy, (1 point)

something warm, (2 points)

Or something chilled and smooth? (3 points)

strawberry drink

Now choose your entertainment for the evening. Do you prefer to…

binge watch a TV series, (1 point)

watch a film, (2 points)

read a book (3 points)

or listen to music? (4 points)

Comfy Reading

Last but not least, in fact, this is probably the most important question of them all! Where do you lounge?

In your bed, (1 point)

on your sofa, (2 points)

Or in your armchair? (3 points)

comfy cat

The results are in!

If you scored 11 points or below then your spirit cocktail would be a Spitz!

Spritz Cocktail .jpg

You are bubbly and always the life of any party, but when it comes to snuggling in for some you time you know how to find that maximum amount soft, fluffy comfort. Make yourself a Spritz and sink into that marshmallow-y bed as you watch your favourite programs on the telly!

If you scored between 12 and 15 points then your spirit cocktail would be a classic G&T!

Gin and Tonic

For you, the simple pleasures are what life all is about. A fantastic gin and a wonderful tonic over lots of ice, what else could anyone need? Get cosy on the sofa and sip away the cares of your day!

If you scored 17 points and above then a Martini would be your spirit cocktail!

Martini Cocktail .jpg

You like to maintain an air of sophistication as you lounge. There is rarely trash programming on your telly (you definitely need to try it though!) but you are more than content in your armchair listening to music as you pick at your savoury grazing board. A martini for breakfast, lunch or dinner will suit you just fine - why not one for each? we are spending a day lounging gracefully about the house after all.