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Only true gin fans can relate to this story!

Only true gin fans can relate to this story!

Jul 22, 2020

Have you ever read something that resonates with you so deeply that you’re sure it must have come from your own lips at some point or another? (Has someone been reading your diary!?) It’s scary how often we get that feeling here at Craft Gin Club HQ!

On the topic of gin, there are just so many mottos, mantras, quips and quotes that perfectly sum up how we feel at each stage of our ginny journeys, and if you follow us on Facebook and Instagram (which you definitely should do, if you don’t already) then you will certainly have come across more than a few.

We have collated some of our all-time favourites that you may have missed and have put them together in this little story for you to flick through.

Take a look and see how many of these speak to you and your gin pals. Which chapter are you guys on?

Chapter One:

And lo, that one friend, who was quiet yet seemed to know everyone, said to the group:

A true friend reaches for your hand.. And puts a gin glass in it

At the mention of gin, the Zumba class ground to a halt. They all stood and stared at the quiet one in wonder.

The best gin is the one we drink with friends

She continued. And so they all abandoned Zumba together, all agreeing that:

Gym has three letters. But so does gin and I know which I prefer.

They reconvened in the quiet one’s living room and decided upon the rules of their friendship:

We have an open door policy. Show up with gin and we'll let you in!

There it was, the gin pals had united!

Chapter Two:

Their interest grew…

The best tonic for life has a large gin in it

One of the group said. The rest nodded in agreement. And then, as the second G&Ts of the night were handed around, somebody made a grave mistake, one that could not be repeated. To make sure it didn’t happen again, it was made clear:

Commas are important: No more gin. No, More Gin.

Then there was suddenly a great betrayal, someone had been pouring single measures! As the investigation got underway, there was much nodding and agreeing over the universal truth:

Whoever said 'less is more' is clearly not a gin drinker!

After that, there was a lot of talk about the importance of being generous, especially when the fabric of their space and time depended on it:

My Days Are Split Into 'Coffee Time' and 'Gin Time'

One of the party exclaimed, passionately lifting their copa glass aloft.

Chapter Three:

They sipped their G&T’s and were happy.

If your Sunday Doesn't include pyjamas and gin, you're doing it wrong.

One of their party made clear. It was a point that everybody knew to be true. They also knew that they were strong together. Together, they were unbeatable!

I make gin disappear... what's your superpower?

Said one, and then another stood up to make their claim too:

If I was a care bear, I would have a bottle of gin on my belly

And finally, they all fell silent until one amongst them rose. It was the quiet one, who was a friend to all, the one that found them all at Zumba and brought them all together to share her love of gin. In their quiet voice, they said:

If I was a Disney princess, I'd be Ginderella

They all agreed. And so the quiet one was crowned with a tiara made of fairy lights, and her grace and good taste became known throughout the land.

What joy they had, those gin pals together, collecting Craft Gin Club gins and crafting gin bottle lamps, showing each other their home gin bars and dishing about their partners, all living happily ever after.

Gin pals for life!

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for even more funny quips like these and to immerse yourself in all things gin!
