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Craft Gin Club National Poetry Day competition: choose the winning entry from our top four poems!
On 3 October 2019, we celebrated National Poetry Day by inviting our members to pen a verse or two in tribute to our collective tipple of choice - gin! The prize for this feat is to be a bottle of delicious gin from our very own Gin of the Month box archives.
A massive thank-you to everyone who sent us their ditties, limericks and poems, we loved reading them all!
Without further ado, here are our four finalists. Which one is your favourite ? Let us know in our Facebook Group post!
Entry #1: by Tabitha Green

In times gone by the best we'd get,
Was Gordon's and Schweppes from the pub.
Now, more discerning tastes are met,
By a box from The Craft Gin Club.
Excitement starts as the payment's taken,
Then builds as dispatch emails flow.
On delivery day, we excitedly waken,
And impatiently wait for the postman to show.
The box arrives and the packaging ripped,
To pull the delights from inside.
The new gin is opened, sniffed, maybe sipped,
Then the rest of the treats can be tried.
With magazines read, ice and glasses prepared,
Cocktails are made and the 'Perfect Serve' poured.
Photos are taken, uploaded and shared,
To tell everyone how much this month's gin is adored.
Pretty bottles, once empty, will not be discarded,
But upcycled to lamps with fairy lights in.
Soon the whole cycle will soon be restarted,
We're all quite addicted to our Craft Clubbers' Gin!

Entry #2: by Stephen Gee
There was a young lady named Wyn
Whose favourite tipple was gin,
When teamed up with tonic
It made her bionic;
Craft Gin’s comp she’s certain to win
Entry #3: by Gilly Alison Nash
A small Scots ode to poetry day. (Best read in a good Scots accent, whilst sampling a ginny delight).

Gin, oh gin, I love ye yes I do.
You’re better than any other drink, aye ‘tis true.
If yer Australian, Bolivian, Canadian or Cornish,
I’ll mix ye wi’ some tonic & add a wee garnish.
But where are such rare exotic gins tae be found?
At Craft Gin Club of course, aye they’ve the best gin selection around.
Entry #4: An ode to Craft Gin Club by Frances Bennett

Have you heard? Have you heard?
Crafty people lurk within
a London-based apothecary
where wondrous, unique gin
is tasted, sampled, makes the cut
'fore boxes are prepared.
Nestled snacks 'midst bottled gold
are swiftly shipped, declared:
'Tis worthy!'
'Great gin!'
'Craft gin!'
'Despatch this treasure haul
to grown ups scattered 'cross this land
who love our Craft Gin school!'
From The Amazon to Wessex,
every bottle holds its worth.
Exclusivity is crucial -
Craft Gin Club love to share the birth
of special gins, in fancy bottles;
don't they look the part!
We make one scoot to nearest 'home store'
to give our new gin fresh start...
A shelf, a case, a lighted unit
All show off pretty glass
That holds within a smooth, smooth gin
A beverage of highest class.