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A world of unique, crafted spirits

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Quiz: If you can tick off at least 15 of these then you are a true gin lover!

Quiz: If you can tick off at least 15 of these then you are a true gin lover!

Feb 24, 2020

Call yourself a gin fan, eh? We’ll see! Challenge your friends to see who is the TRUE biggest gin devotee!

  1. With no more space left on the trolley or in the cabinet, you have simply accepted the fact that your house is one big gin cupboard now.
  2. You can’t leave Duty Free empty-handed – it’s just not possible, you’ve tried!
  3. You have two separate gin collections: a private collection of craft gins for you and your esteemed inner circle, and another one for the gin amateurs in your life.
  4. You own a hip flask for gin emergencies – sometimes it can be hard to find a decent gin when out and about! 
  5. Your spice rack and the herb garden are now exclusively filled with produce for your garnish collection - god help anybody who is caught plundering the gin garnish stash for silly little things like family meals without permission!
  6. The phrase “I’ll pour us a G&T” has replaced “I’ll put the kettle on” in your life.
  7. You head to the local distillery before the beach on every holiday you go on. In fact, you once planned the whole holiday around the local distillery (unbeknown to everyone else on the trip).
  8. You regularly add a more than liberal “splash of gin” to your baking if given even the slightest suggestion in the recipe. On second thoughts, you don’t even need a suggestion in the recipe - well, cooking is more art than science, anyway, right?!
  9. Your collection of GINNED! Magazines has outgrown your magazine rack or coffee table and now has its own bookshelf.
  10. You taste your gin on its own before deciding which tonic to use, even if it means everyone else must wait for their drink.
  11. You have come to judge your friends by their drink order at the bar. Alas, they may not have your good taste, but you love them all the same!
  12. You have thrown your own gin tasting party in a veiled attempt to educate and correct the non-gin drinkers in your life. They will like gin! They just haven’t met the right one yet…
  13. You have been on a tour of your favourite distillery (a bonus point if you know the head distiller by name!).
  14. The number of different tonic waters in your collection is starting to catch up to the number of different gins. You may even need a whole new fridge that is just for tonic water and mixers.
  15. For you, a simple slice of lemon in your G&T is for the boring and uninformed.
  16. You know that the more ice in your G&T, the better, and have explained the science to your friends (despite their eye-rolling) as you asked the bar tender to add more ice, please!
  17. You have up-cycled at least one empty gin bottle.
  18. You own your own cocktail making/bar kit - in fact, they are fast becoming your most used kitchen items!
  19. Your freezer has more bags of ice in it than food.
  20. Your first port of call is the gin menu in any bar or restaurant you enter – no gin menu, no stay.
  21. You have made at least one classic gin cocktail at home.
  22. You know the difference between London Dry Gin and other types of gin and you will tell anyone who makes the mistake of asking, with the full histories of each included free of charge. “Well, they did ask. Or did they? Can’t remember at this point, but I have started so I’ll finish. Hey, wake up!”
  23. You have made your own gin, either at home or at a gin school. And in your honest, unbiased and learned opinion, it is the best gin that has ever existed! What’s Craft Gin Cub’s address again?
  24. You receive gin for every Christmas and birthday, and you love it! Everyone knows where your true passion lies.
  25. You are an avid member of Craft Gin Club!

With no more space left on the trolley or in the cabinet, you have simply accepted the fact that your house is one big gin cupboard now.

You can’t leave Duty Free empty-handed – it’s just not possible, you’ve tried!

You have two separate gin collections: a private collection of craft gins for you and your esteemed inner circle, and another one for the gin amateurs in your life.

You own a hip flask for gin emergencies – sometimes it can be hard to find a decent gin when out and about! 

Your spice rack and the herb garden are now exclusively filled with produce for your garnish collection - god help anybody who is caught plundering the gin garnish stash for silly little things like family meals without permission!

The phrase “I’ll pour us a G&T” has replaced “I’ll put the kettle on” in your life.

You head to the local distillery before the beach on every holiday you go on. In fact, you once planned the whole holiday around the local distillery (unbeknown to everyone else on the trip).

You regularly add a more than liberal “splash of gin” to your baking if given even the slightest suggestion in the recipe. On second thoughts, you don’t even need a suggestion in the recipe - well, cooking is more art than science, anyway, right?!

Your collection of GINNED! Magazines has outgrown your magazine rack or coffee table and now has its own bookshelf.

You taste your gin on its own before deciding which tonic to use, even if it means everyone else must wait for their drink.

You have come to judge your friends by their drink order at the bar. Alas, they may not have your good taste, but you love them all the same!

You have thrown your own gin tasting party in a veiled attempt to educate and correct the non-gin drinkers in your life. They will like gin! They just haven’t met the right one yet…

You have been on a tour of your favourite distillery (a bonus point if you know the head distiller by name!).

The number of different tonic waters in your collection is starting to catch up to the number of different gins. You may even need a whole new fridge that is just for tonic water and mixers.

For you, a simple slice of lemon in your G&T is for the boring and uninformed.

You know that the more ice in your G&T, the better, and have explained the science to your friends (despite their eye-rolling) as you asked the bar tender to add more ice, please!

You have up-cycled at least one empty gin bottle.

You own your own cocktail making/bar kit - in fact, they are fast becoming your most used kitchen items!

Your freezer has more bags of ice in it than food.

Your first port of call is the gin menu in any bar or restaurant you enter – no gin menu, no stay.

You have made at least one classic gin cocktail at home.

You know the difference between London Dry Gin and other types of gin and you will tell anyone who makes the mistake of asking, with the full histories of each included free of charge. “Well, they did ask. Or did they? Can’t remember at this point, but I have started so I’ll finish. Hey, wake up!”

You have made your own gin, either at home or at a gin school. And in your honest, unbiased and learned opinion, it is the best gin that has ever existed! What’s Craft Gin Cub’s address again?

You receive gin for every Christmas and birthday, and you love it! Everyone knows where your true passion lies.

You are an avid member of Craft Gin Club!
