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4 simple ways to make your very own pink gin!

4 simple ways to make your very own pink gin!

Feb 8, 2018

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, we can definitely feel the love in the air at CGC HQ. And what better way to celebrate the month of luuuuuuurve than making your very own pink gin!

We have 4 beautiful pink gin recipes, guaranteed to make your Valentine blush...

Rhubarb Gin

Rhubarb pink gin


1. Wash and trim the stalks to get rid of the base and any leaves. 
2. Cut the stalks into roughly 3cm lengths and put them in a large jar with sugar.
3. Give the rhubarb and sugar a good shake, seal the lid tightly and leave overnight.
4. After 24 hrs, add your favourite gin, seal the jar back up and give it another good old shake. 
5. Leave in a cool dry place for about 4 weeks and give it a try! If you want your pink gin to be nice and clear, strain the liquor through a muslin cloth over a funnel. Or if you want more of a rustic look  ladle it straight into glasses.
6. Serve with a sprig of mint and your favourite tonic, or topped with soda water for a refreshing long drink.

Ingredients (makes 2 litres)

1kg Rhubarb stalks
400g caster sugar
800ml of your favourite gin

Rose Infused Gin

Rose petal and bud infused gin in a jar

Image: Domestic Geek Girl.


1. Mix the rosebuds with the gin in a glass jar with a tightly fitting lid. 
2. Give the mixture a good shake and place jar in a dark place at room temperature.
3. Shake your mixture a little every day for 5 days. 
4. After 5 days, strain it through a filter into a bottle.
5. Make sure you squeeze out the rosebuds, as they will hold a lot of liquid after straining.


200g high quality rosebuds - red or dark pink.
800ml of London dry gin



Top tip:

Add a little of the rose infused gin (about 25ml) to a champagne flute and top up with prosecco for a beautiful sparkling gin cocktail!

Raspberry Gin

Raspberry infused gin in a jar

Image: Anna Jones


1. Place the raspberries in an air tight container and pour in the gin.
2. DON'T SHAKE! You don't want to break up the raspberries too much.
3. Store in a dry dark place and leave the mixture to steep for 2 weeks.
4. After 2 weeks, strain the gin through a muslin cloth into a bottle.


200g of fresh raspberries
800ml of London dry gin

Strawberry Gin

Strawberry infused gin


1. Add the strawberries, caster sugar and gin into a glass jar and stir.
2. Store in the fridge and stir every day for three weeks.
3. After three weeks strain the liquid through a muslin cloth into a bottle.


400g Strawberries
100g caster sugar
700ml London dry gin

Top tip:

Add 2 tbsp of pink peppercorns to the infusion to add a warm peppery kick to your strawberry gin!