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The Ultimate Game of Thrones Drinking Game - International Edition

The Ultimate Game of Thrones Drinking Game - International Edition

Apr 14, 2015

It’s been a long wait, but the popular program Game of Thrones is back! There’s plenty of drinking that goes on in the show, so we thought we’d take a look at the drinking that goes on in the program’s shooting locations scattered throughout Europe and North Africa. 

The objective of the Game of Thrones International Drinking Game is to have a taste of the drinks that hail from the filming locations. So raise a glass of local liqueurs and cheer on your favourite characters as you settle in to your Iron Throne to binge-watch the protagonists and antagonists of Westeros.


The walls of the Croatian city of Dubrovnik set the scene for Game of Thrones capital, King’s Landing, as well as the walls of the Red Keep within said capital. Dubrovnik, one of the most visited destinations on the coasts of the Mediterranean, was but one of several areas of the country used by the Game of Thrones crew to capture the essence of Westeros.


Croatia is known for its wines, claiming over 300 defined areas over two main wine-producing regions. But perhaps the most recognizable alcoholic drink that comes from Croatia is the cherry liqueur Maraschino, used by our Gin of the Month, Cotswolds Dry Gin, in its version of the Aviation cocktail

Game of Thrones Drinking Game: When the story turns to King’s Landing, make sure you’ve got a Cotswolds Aviation in hand and sip it as the characters sip their wine remembering that off set they were likely relaxing with a cool Maraschino on ice.


Obviously our favourite for its love of the Gin Tonic, Spain plays seat to some of the filming in the current Game of Thrones season. Seville, a destination popular with film makers, was chosen as Dorne, the home of the great swordsman and ladies man, Oberyn Martell.

gin and tonic

There are so many Spanish drinks we could feature here, but we’ll just stick to the Gin Tonic in Europe’s largest gin-drinking nation by volume.

Game of Thrones Drinking Game: With all of the crafty strategies of Martell to get revenge in King’s Landing, you’ll need to pour yourself a craft G&T and have a mouthful when the program’s plot shifts to Dorne.


For the quasi-romantic wedding of the Dothraki Khal Drogo to exiled princess Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones producers chose to shoot in Malta, specifically at the Azure Window (pictured). 


Shooting with a cast and crew of upwards of 1,000 people can get a bit prickly, but not as prickly as the Maltese liqueur, Bajtra, made from the distillate of the juice of prickly pears. Prickly pears are actually a species of cactus that were introduced into the region from the Americas during the time of European conquests. The pink-tinged liqueur can be taken neat, on ice or mixed with wine, both regular and sparkling. 

Game of Thrones Drinking Game: If you can’t get yourself some prickly-pear liqueur, then have some pear liqueur you can find in the UK - chilled, Poire Williams, a little French digestif 


The cold regions north of the Wall in the George R. R. Martin’s saga were fittingly shot in the cold of Iceland, specifically on the glacier of Svínafellsjökull. The glacial scene was obviously white as snow, but much of Iceland is actually green, just like what could be considered its national spirit, Brennivín.

drinking game iceland aquavit

Brennivín is made by distilling fermented grain or potatoes and flavouing the distillate with caraway. It is usually taken as a shot and is served with a traditional Icelandic dish of fermented shark meat.

Game of Thrones Drinking Game: Every time the scene shifts to the wind and snow of the North, warm up with a shot of Brennivín. If you can’t find any, some Scandinavian aquavit will do. We’ll spare you the fermented shark meat.



The Northern African Kingdom served as the scene for Daenerys Targaryen’s epic march through Essos, particularly the beachside city of Essaouira. Next you find yourself taking in the Atlantic breeze on the Moroccan coast, relax with a glass of berber whisky. Well, it’s not actually whisky, nor alcoholic. Berber whisky is simply a cheeky way of referring to what could most be considered the Moroccan national drink, mint tea. 

Game of Thrones Drinking Game: Go out to the garden, pick some fresh mint, steep it with sugar in boiling water and cheer on Daenerys and her dragons as they trek towards King’s Landing.


northern ireland

Much of the studio filming in Game of Thrones occurs in Belfast at Paint Hall Studios. But some exterior scenes are shot in Northern Ireland as well including the scenes at Winterfell, the Capital of the North. It’s not surprising, but whisky is Northern Ireland’s go to spirit, particularly Bushmills, which is produced in what is agreed to be the world’s oldest licensed distillery. 

Game of Thrones Drinking Game: Any time one of the few remaining Starks appears on screen, have a shot of Bushmills.